In This Issue
The Right Temperature
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Tip of the Week
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Amanda Dupure 
Healthmark Industries 
The Right Temperature


Couple of things have me thinking about the temperature. The first thing, I bet, has many of us thinking about the temperature - the weather is changing. Autumn is upon us and it is getting colder. Fall here in Michigan is often the nicest time of year. Mild, sunny days and invigorating cool nights. The only problem with Fall, is that we all know that right around the corner are the really cold temperatures!

The other thing getting me to think about temperature is my fish tank. After 7 years, and the passing of my last surviving fish, I took the opportunity to thoroughly clean and refurbish my tank (new gravel, new filter, new plants, etc.). Keeping fish alive is a balancing act. Water quality is key. The wrong condition of water can mean death for the fish. The right temperature range is also key. I have a fresh water tropical fish and the target temperature is around about 78F, give or take. To achieve that temperature, I have a submersible heater with temperature sensor that automatically turns the heating element on and off as needed. But these sensors can fail, as can the heater itself. So for confirmation of the temperature, I have an aquarium thermometer. The particular one I have is a liquid crystal thermometer - using the same technology found in forehead thermometers.

When it comes to sterile processing, temperature is also key. The right temperature is the key to sterilization, to effective cleaning, to thermal disinfection, to proper storage of sterile products, the comfort and efficiency of staff and the safe handling of items that have been exposed to thermal processes (i.e., autoclave racks), to list a few. To be certain that the right temperature has been reached, we use various tools: chemical indicators, irreversible and reversible thermometers, infrared thermometers and thermologgers - to name a few. The right temperature is one of the keys to success in sterile processing.

With the weather turning cold here, I do look at my fish with a little bit of envy - they live in a constant state of 78 degrees F. I could live like that!
Ralph Basile
Weekly Coupon


Healthmark has a complete line of temperature monitoring products, including irreversible thermometers for automated instrument washers, liquid crystal thermometers for the ultasonic and soaking baths, a HotSpot to know when a surface is safe to touch, and an innovative thermologger 

for recording and reporting the temperature of your
cleaning equipment. 


For information about these products or 

for a demonstration, click here. 


Tip of the Week


Temperature plays a key role in cleaning and knowing and keeping the right temperature  during the cleaning process is important. Remember during the pre wash stage you want a colder rinse. Why? You do not want the blood to start denature with a hot rinse. So keep it cold and know your temperature not only at this stage of the process.

Quote of the Week


"It does not make a difference what temperature a room is, it's always room temperature." - Stephen Wright, actor playwright




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Guidance for Industry: Product Recalls, Including Removals and Corrections