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They say when you purchase an item for comfort, that you shouldn't sacrifice quality for cost. I realized that this was never more true than when purchasing a new bed. I must have tried every bed in multiple stores before finding the perfect mattress. There is nothing that can replace the maximum support and comfort while you are sleeping.
This might be good advice when you are laying down, but what about when you are on your feet? Even with a comfortable pair of shoes, standing hours on end can be rough on your feet and back. When working at your cleaning station, you may want to consider using an anti-fatigue mat to help relieve stress on your body. If you are working in a sterile processing environment, you will want to be sure that the mat can be cleaned in an automated washer and even steam sterilized, if necessary. This will provide maximum body support on an optimally decontaminated surface.
Matt Smith
Marketing Manager
Healthmark Industries
Weekly Coupon
Click here to get learn more about the Anti-Fatigue Mat

Tip of the Week
Click here for more tips on how to protect your feet while standing for an extended period of time.
Quote of the Week |
"I wear black because I'm comfortable in it. But then in the summertime when it's hot I'm comfortable in light blue."
- Johnny Cash
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