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Amanda Dupure 
Healthmark Industries 

Pre-Clean...Then Clean Again 


Like many others this past weekend, I decided to entertain friends and family for a Labor Day BBQ. I have always thought how funny it is that we spend so much time cleaning our homes preparing for guests only to have to clean it again after they leave. However, it does bring a certain satisfaction knowing that everything is thoroughly cleaned and perhaps it even helps that it was pre-cleaned when picking up after my guests leave.

So this weekend I broke out all of the cleaning supplies to properly clean the floors, countertops and other surfaces. I have accumulated different cleaning products for different needs, much like one does for surgical instruments and equipment.

Endoscopes for an example, may require a pre-cleaning with a lint-free wipe before being reprocessed. Because of the tubular design, you may decide that using a tubular sponge might be more effective. When cleaning specialty instruments remember to reference the IFU for cleaning instructions and that you are always prepared with the right supplies when manually cleaning.  


Matt Smith

Marketing Manager

Healthmark Industries

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Michele DeMeo Tidbit of the Week


Why IFU's are important:


1) The general person does not have the knowledge of when and how to use certain medicines or devices correctly from a variety of sources.


2) Many people assume that similar products from different manufacturers are processed or used the same way; they just have a different name. This is usually not the case. 



Quote of the Week


"I'm not going to vacuum until Sears makes one you can ride on." - Roseanne Barr


News Headlines


Picking the suitable brush for the right instrument more