Congratulations Don Gordon!
In this issue, all of us from Healthmark would like to congratulate Don Gordon on being named "The 2014 Vendor of the Year" by the Long Island Association for Central Service.
Don has been involved with the Chapter since 1998 and has held many positions. He also was involved with others successfully lobbying for legislation that will go into effect in January 2015 instituting certification for sterile processing technologists in New York State. According the LIACS, during 2000-20002, Don Gordon took over as President and served for 2 terms. During Don's term, his goal was to "Raise the Bar." Due to Don's leadership, the LIACS were awarded the IAHCSMM/Steris 'Chapter of the Year." The Annual Seminar and Vendor Exhibits were again held with more than 80 attendee's present and 26 vendors. Throughout the years, Don has promoted education on every level. He sets up the speakers for this chapter and for the North East Seminar and Vendor Exhibit in Atlantic City. Congratulations Don on your achievement! Matt Smith
Marketing Manager
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For more information on the Long Island Association for Central Service Chapter click here!
Michele Demeo Tidbit of the Week |
"Motivation must come from real interest."
Quote of the Week |
"Leaders live by choice, not by accident." - Mark Gorman
News Headlines
Iowa City VA patients not told about bacteria problem more
Hepatitis C outbreaks at three Toronto colonoscopy clinics more
Hospital pillows can harbor pathogens more
ASGE Document on Technologies that Monitor the Quality of Scope Reprocessing more
Five operating room cleaning checklists - Environmental Services more
Denver VA Medical Center shuts down surgical unit due to problems with equipment sterilization more
Minneapolis hospital reportedly used unsterilized equipment - Safety and Security more
October 2013 - CS Solutions more
Environmental Cleaning : Association of periOperative Registered Nurses more
Infection outbreak at pain clinic sparks calls for greater transparency more