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Amanda Dupure 
Healthmark Industries 

Wedding Bells


Many people dream of their wedding day, but once the wedding planning starts, the chaos starts. Planning a wedding can be very difficult for the bride and groom.  To add to the chaos, you may decide you want a destination wedding across the country like my fiancĂ© and I have chosen.  The extra travel requires taking additional steps of preparation to ensure a smooth wedding. One of the most stressful parts about a destination wedding is the transportation of the wedding dress.  The best way to ensure that the dress will be safe once it is on the plane is buying a garment bag that will fully cover the dress. This will protect the dress from getting dirty or dusty during the flight.

While I would imagine no one is likely bringing their wedding dress to the CPD department, I know that just like using a garment bag for a wedding dress, using protective plastic bags to protect items from environmental contamination such as moisture, dust and lint, becomes very important in the CPD department. Healthmark has a product called  Sterility Assurance Dust Covers that provides such protection . Sterility Assurance Dust Covers can be used to protect and extend the shelf life of properly packaged and sterilized items that could be subjected to environmental challenges or multiple handling. The dust covers that are available in many sizes are designed to be strong and only tear when and where you want them to which provides great protection against the outside elements.

While traveling, my wedding dress will be protected, and just like many of the items in CPD, I will find  something similar to a dust cover to protect my dress from the elements while in storage.

Dzelma Dedovic
Laboratory Tech



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Michele DeMeo Tidbit of the Week


Teams only work when they are trusted, feel empowered

and left to be allowed to do what they are best at doing. Your role is to allow them the freedom to shine and when that is done, they will usually do so and brightly!



Quote of the Week


"Falling in love was the easy part; planning a wedding -yikes!" - Washington Irving 


Industry News

Why You Should Underpin CAPA With Risk Assessment

Landers: Ebola scare heightens awareness of hospital-acquired infections

The five second rule on avoiding germs and infections is the subject of much light hearted banter

MRSA linked to livestock is found in U.K. hospitals

WHO updates personal protective equipment guidelines for Ebola

Protecting healthcare workers from splash exposures - Environmental Services

Nurse Who Caught Ebola Says More Training Needed

Two Virginia hospitals achieve infection risk certification

Being a Standard Reference Human

Coating Could Fight Bacteria and Clotting in Medical Devices

Are hospital wheelchairs clean?

Hidden Bacteria and Mold in Your Pillows May Be Making You Sick  

Does Glove Use Increase The Risk Of Infection?