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Amanda Dupure 
Healthmark Industries 

New Digital Camera Technology Helps to Meet the Challenge of Cleaning Complicated Medical Devices 


If you are old enough, you will remember the "arms race" between the United States and the former Soviet Union. The upshot was that each side tried to develop technology and weapons that were superior to the other, in order to gain the upperhand or at least keep up.


In surgical services, it can be said that we also have an arms race. This is a friendly one, but nonetheless provides a challenge to all involved. On the "procedure" side of things, the goal has been to develop devices that are safer to use, reduce the trauma to the patient and provide capabilities that are superior to older instruments and methods.


On the "reprocessing" side, the sterile processing industry has been racing to keep up - as these new devices have typically represented greater challenges to cleaning and sterilization. Such devices often have internal channels not viewable to the naked eye. They have complicated hinge mechanisms that allow a wide range of motion, but also have multiple crevices, gaps, pulleys, gears, etc. that are not only complex, but tiny. New composite materials are joined with traditional stainless steel, or each other, to further complicate the task of cleaning. How are sterile processing professionals to cope?!


An article that just appeared in Surgical Products Magazine addresses this very issue. Can the same kind of endoscopic camera technology the surgeon uses to perform minimally invasive surgery be harnessed to aid the sterile processing professional in evaluating the cleanliness and functionality of these complicated medical devices? And be within the budget of the typical sterile processing department? With recent developments in digital camera technology, the answer is yes.


The new Flexible Inspection Scope is a digital camera (much like you find in your smart phone) which delivers remarkable clarity in a device that is far more robust than traditional fiberscopes, all in a package that is easy to use and operate. If you would like a demonstration of this marvelous new technology, just click on the coupon below.

Ralph Basile
VP of Marketing
Healthmark Industries


Weekly Coupon


Interested in being contacted for information and a demonstration on the Flexible Inspection Scope? Please provide your information by clicking here.
Michele DeMeo Tidbit of the Week


"Adventures can be incredible, it is exactly whatever you make it to be."

Quote of the Week


"Yet all the suns that light the corridors of the universe shine dim before the blazing of a single thought." - Dr. Duval from the movie Fantastic Voyage.
Industry News

IAHCSMM and C-Step, Inc. announce an interactive online education programs designed for CS professionals.

AORN's new surgical attire recommended practices: 5 points to know

Humidity and temperature in central supply Q&A - Maintenance and Operations  

ID Instruments With Pre-Printed Labels  

As U.S. Ebola scare fades, infection control focus wanes - Safety and Security

Federal Register, Volume 79 Issue 231

Passing the buck on contaminated instruments, steam outages, washer placement 

Ideas That Work: Show The Way 

December 2014 - CS Solutions