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Amanda Dupure 
Healthmark Industries 

Spring Forward


Once again that dreaded Sunday for most people has come and gone. The one day that robs you of an hour of sleep once a year. That's right, we have officially sprung forward. If you are feeling a little sluggish this week you are not alone. According to the Better Sleep Council, 60 percent will feel the effect of the time change. Like jet lag, 40% will need need a week or longer to recover.

Even if you are one of the 40 percent still trying to adjust to the time change, take a look at the positive side of Spring Forward. Its also the time of year that signifies change is near. Warmer weather, baseball and outdoor activities are right around the corner.

Timing is important, and a small change can throw things off. Take instrument reprocessing as an example. Pre-cleaning, soaking, cleaning and disinfecting can all be affected by timing. Be sure to read individual instrument and detergent  IFU's to ensure they are being cleaned for the correct amount of time and appropriate cycle.

Matt Smith
Marketing Manager
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Michele DeMeo Tidbit of the Week

"Your in-services should mirror your outcomes, desires and expected trends. When they are presented as such, usually outcomes are pretty good!" 

Quote of the Week

"I don't mind going back to daylight saving time. With inflation, the hour will be the only thing I've saved all year." - Victor Borge


Industry News

Superbug Surfaces at Two More Hospitals - Your online source for medical device product information

Superbug Infections Hit Another Los Angeles Hospital

FDA Safety Communication for details. Updated Information for Healthcare Providers Regarding Duodenocopes  

Design News - Chris Wiltz - How Poor Design Exposed Patients to a Deadly Superbug

Reprocessing of Reusable Medical Devices > Infections Associated with Reprocessed Duodenoscopes  

Fecal transplanting a reality; writing on peel pouches

Join the Discussion - AAMI Connect

ECRI Institute Advises Culturing of Duodenoscopes to Help Reduce Risk of Deadly Infections