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Amanda Dupure 
Healthmark Industries 

Water, Water Everywhere, But Not A Drop to Drink

One of the down sides of traveling is often the dryness of hotel rooms. It is very hard to control the humidity level in a hotel room. Why is this an issue for me, you wonder? Well, first it is the static electricity that takes place in dry rooms which causes those mild shocks as well as the dry skin. Yes, a man worried about dry skin. Well, it itches!

I have tried many different solutions to help control the dryness in hotel rooms. The easiest is to leave many cups of water all over the room. I wonder sometimes what the housekeeper thinks I am up to.  My next favorite is to run the shower to create a steam mist. Lastly, is to have a few bottles of water next to my bed and when I wake up, drink them to rehydrate my body.

Why talk about this subject of humidity and especially relative humidity while I travel? Relative humidity and controlling it in a medical facility, especially the Sterile Processing and Operating Room areas, is a topic in the industry right now.  For that reason, we have posted some articles and updates on this subject this week in our newsfeed. One of the articles is from a publication called Controlled Environments and it deals mostly with clean rooms, but the information that hit home to me was the detailed discussion about relative humidity.

What is important to remember is that monitoring relative humidity in facilities is important and it has a direct impact on patient care. If we better understand the factors that impact relative humidity, we can control it better. Hopefully you will not be placing water cups in different areas of your department, like I do in my room when I travel. That would not be looked on kindly by Infection Control, TJC, CMS, etc.!

Stephen Kovach
Director of Education
Weekly Coupon

Click here for more information about Healthmark's 

humidity monitoring tools.


Tip of the Week

ANSI/AAMI ST 79  has a section ( on relative humidity - take some time to read this section.

Quote of the Week


"The Harvard Law states: Under controlled conditions of light, temperature, humidity, and nutrition, the organism will do as it damn well pleases." - Larry Wall



Industry News

Duodenoscope Surveillance | CRE | HAI | CDC

CRE in medical devices killed 22 in Florida years ago

VA probing whether scopes gave patients superbug infections

Reprocessing of Reusable Medical Devices > Infections Associated with Reprocessed Duodenoscopes

Contaminated scopes expose patients to E. coli at Hartford Hospital

Indiana hospital flushes water system after Legionella infections - Safety and Security

OSAP teams with ICD on infection-prevention practices...  

Canadian drills revolutionize surgery in developing world...

CDC: Outbreaks and Patient Notifications

AAMI Update: Joint communication address humidity levels in the OR.

Relative Humidity Levels in the Operating room Joint Communication to Healthcare Delivery Organizations.

Understanding Relative Humidity.