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Amanda Dupure 
Healthmark Industries 

Spring Cleaning

Well, spring is here at least according to the calendar. When Spring arrives, many of us start to think "Spring Cleaning Time" has arrived.

Last week, I read two articles that dealt with cleaning your oven and dishwasher. As many of us know, the "commercial dishwasher" is what our present day washer disinfectors are based on. The article on the dishwasher stressed that the we need to clean the inside because "the dishes might not be as sanitary as they should be." I have to say, I have seen plenty of washer disinfectors that need cleaning on the inside. We call this scale removal and the IFU from the OEM of your washer provides guidelines for this practice.

What is also interesting is that dishwashers have to pass specific tests to show they perform properly (NSF/ANSI 184 - 2003- residential dishwasher ). On the other hand, medical automatic washers also have their own standard to help ensure they are performing properly it is called ASTM D7225-Standard Guide for Blood Cleaning Efficiency of Detergents and Washer - Disinfectors.

The oven article made me think of our sterilizer and how the inside (chamber) gets neglected. Its not always cleaned according to the OEM IFU. I see a lot of ugly sterilizer chambers.

Thus, let us use the theme "Its Spring Cleaning Time" for us to look at our washers and sterilizers and see if they need cleaning and testing  to ensure optimum performance.

Stephen Kovach
Director of Education
Weekly Coupon

The TOSI is a great way to ensure your automated washer is working properly. Interested in being contacted for a TOSI demonstration? Click here to provide your information!


Michele DeMeo Tidbit of the week

Is the environment where technicians are performing tasks a climate that is best suited for them as people? If people are not comfortable (temperature or lighting for example) they will not be as apt to be able to properly follow instructions as well.


Quote of the Week


"The day I worry about cleaning my house is the day Sears comes out with a riding vacuum cleaner." Roseanne Barr


Industry News

How To Stop Duodenoscope Infections

Spring cleaning tips: Cleaning your dish washer...

Cleaning your oven

FDA Focuses on Reprocessing Instructions in New Guidance.

News station reports Sterile Processing deals with dust issue.

Hospital spring cleans Sterile Processing Department.

Google to develop robot surgical devices in pact with J&J

Olympus Releases Urgent Instructions for Cleaning Device Linked to Superbug | 2015-03-27 | FDANews

Consistent cleaning and disinfection protocols creates safe patient environment - Environmental Services

Safety Communications > Olympus Validates New Reprocessing Instructions for Model TJF-Q180V Duodenoscopes

Understanding Differences in 'Reprocessing Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff'  

Common pitfalls in flexible endoscope processing

March 2015 HPN - Making instruments safer

Common Bacteria on the Verge of Becoming Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs