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Safety First

A number of Healthmark staff recently attended the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen training session discussing safety in the workplace. Familiarizing ourselves with safe workplace practice is essential, especially in the warehouse areas. While everyone's first thought is to help someone who is injured, it's critical to remember to protect oneself and other co-workers from potential exposure of blood or OPIM (Other Potentially Infectious Materials).

The training provided key steps to establishing an exposure control plan (ECP), including using universal precautions and notifying the designated first responder. Healthmark has a set ECP in accordance with OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1030, "Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens".  Special kits provide us with the PPE needed to control exposure, including gloves, a gown, shoe covers and a face shield.

Unlike other workplaces, the decontam area of the central sterile processing department is constantly in contact with blood and other OPIMs.  The hard workers in this department utilize some of the same PPE as mentioned in our OSHA Training. AAMI ST79, Sections 4.5.4 states that personnel should wear PPE equipment that comply with OSHA regulations including protective gloves, protective attire, and face shields.

Healthmark offers a full line of PPE equipment to help minimize exposure of possibly infectious diseases for healthcare workers. Our products help facilities to ensure they are prepared to protect all personnel, because safety is everybody's job!

Jennifer Hiltz
Sales and Event Coordinator
Weekly Coupon

Click here to request a free sample of Healthmark's 
Thumb Loop Gown! Learn more about the 
Thumb Loop Gown here.

Tip of the Week

Comply with OSHA Standards when transporting sharp reusable instruments. Click here for more information on our SST Tray Systems.

Quote of the Week

"Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy."
- Author Unknown

Industry News

Product Evaluation and Purchasing: PPE...

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