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Total Eclipse of the Heart (of the Hospital)

How well did you see the eclipse? We had around 78% totality in Michigan. I know many of you south of us had quite an experience, especially in the Nashville area. The last total eclipse we experienced like the one yesterday was June 8th, 1918. It crossed the United States from Washington to the state of Florida. The last time it was viewable at all from the U.S. was 1979.  In case you missed it, the next one will be April 8th, 2024.

Many people viewing took precautions to keep themselves safe from the UV rays. Typically, you can glance at the sun and after a few seconds you are forced to look away due to the pain it will cause to your eyes. If you stare too long it can cause a condition known as Solar Retinopathy. During a solar eclipse, people become more prone to this condition because when the Sun is almost covered, it's comfortable to stare, and protective reflexes like blinking and pupil contraction are a lot less likely to kick in than normal. So protective eyewear is necessary for protection from harmful UV rays.

This brings an interesting question to how to check ultraviolet disinfectors? In order to ensure they are working properly, I wouldn't suggest climbing in with eclipse glasses, but rather use Ultraviolet Indicator Tests that change color in the presence of UV light at 254 nanometers, the most common frequency for UV disinfection.

Matt Smith
Marketing Manager

Our view of the solar eclipse from Healthmark Industries in Fraser, Michigan
Photo By Mark Basile
Weekly Coupon
Click here for more information on 
Healthmark's Ultraviolet Indicators.

Tip of the Week

Click here for 25 interesting facts on the solar eclipse.

Quote of the Week

"In 1983 I'd had a number one. I'd sold 6 million copies of Total Eclipse Of The Heart all over the world" - Bonnie Tyler

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