Think about when you first started your career in the field you're currently working in. How much has changed with experience, technology and by simply learning new skills? The truth is, long after we have graduated as students, completed internships and entry level jobs, we are never finished learning. It's a process that continues all through our lives. In the healthcare industry, there is an abundance of useful information all around us to be found in industry magazines, newsletters or even e-newsletters and webinars. I've read many articles that have informed me about different healthcare department functions, processes, procedures and products that I would have never known existed.
Even if you are familiar with everything in your department, certain standards and procedures are constantly changing. These reading materials are also a great way to keep up with cutting edge technology. I would urge everyone to take a moment from time to time to pick up a magazine or sign up for an educational newsletter or webinar that will keep you informed in this constantly changing industry.