Even though I've been a lifelong resident of Michigan, I'm still amazed at how quickly the weather changes. Fall isn't all bad though; watching football, visiting cider mills and having bonfires are among my favorite autumn activities. The temperature has cooled down in Michigan, but it usually fluctuates significantly this time of year. Many people, including myself will go through a period of opening the windows during the day only to close them at night and turn the heat on due to the dramatic change of temperature. Eventually, snow will come and we won't have that issue any longer, because it will be cold all the time.
Checking the weather ahead of time during a typical autumn day in Michigan is crucial for comfort. You never know if you if you are going to need a jacket or if a sweater is going to be too warm when you are indoors most of the day.
Monitoring temperature is a daily challenge when it comes to the sterile processing department. The right temperature is the key to sterilization, effective cleaning, thermal disinfection, proper storage of sterile products, the comfort and efficiency of staff and the safe handling of items that have been exposed to thermal processes (i.e., autoclave racks) to list a few. In order to monitor that the optimal temperature has been reached, we use various tools such as thermometers and indicators. The right temperature is one of the keys to success in sterile processing.