Healthmarket Digest
July 2010
The Dog Days of Summer
In This Issue
Following the Correct Steps
News Headlines
Tip of the Week
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The Dog Days of Summer
     Reviewing the headlines from the past week I am struck by something: there aren't many. This is a sure sign we are in the Dog Days of Summer. This is a time, even in the modern era, when the pace of life seems to slow at least a bit. There is less traffic on the highways and byways (not counting snarls caused by construction!); At work, most places are at less than full staff as many are on vacation; Malls, restaurants and other public places are easier to get into; and the Sun is still shining well after we return home from work, making the days feel longer. Whether you are traveling, or at work, your friends at Healthmark wish you the safest and happiest Dog Days!

Ralph J. Basile
Vice President - Marketing
Healthmark Industries Company, Inc.
News Headlines

Reprocessed single use devices; cleaning verification QA...

Accountability Measures - Using Measurement to Promote Quality Improvement...
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Tip of the Week

The saying the "Dog Days of Summer" originated with the Romans. The Romans referred to the dog days as diēs caniculārēs and associated the hot weather with the star Sirius. They considered Sirius to be the "Dog Star" because it is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (Large Dog). The Dog Days are usually associated with the dates between July 24 - August 24. In many places, this coincides with the hottest period of Summer.

Thank You for Your Continued Interest!
Thank you very much for reading our 61st edition of Healthmarket Digest. We are very excited to have you as a member of our online community.
Alex Kirk
Healthmark Industries Company, Inc. 
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Free Sample!
Beat the Heat with the TempaChek HotSpot indicator. At 115-120F, items are considered too hot to handle. With a simple color change from green (safe) to black (hot) the HotSpot indicates the temperature of heated surfaces such as sterilizer carts, flash pans and items coming out of the cart washer. Request a free sample of the HotSpot.