The world is full of visually beautiful sites and places. The naked eye can see objects of any size, if they emit or scatter enough light to trigger its detector cells. According to Science Focus, light visible from the star Deneb covers a minuscule fraction of your visual field (its ‘angular diameter’ is 0.0024 arcseconds). A light-emitting object seen as the same size when 15cm from your face, would be 1.75 nanometers wide.
Germs and bacteria are all right in front of us and invisible to the naked eye. Have you ever cleaned a surgical instrument and witnessed a stain that appeared quite benign, or not easily detected by the human eye? Stains can come in different shapes, sizes and intensity. In order to go beyond what you can see, you will need to test the cleanliness of instruments with the HemoCheck™ blood detection kit. Finding a stain on an instrument that has gone through reprocessing is never good. If the stain is blood, the implications are even more serious. Take the guesswork out of evaluating the cleanliness of instruments with the HemoCheck™ blood residue test kit. The HemoCheck™ is an all-in-one test, provides a result in 30 seconds, is simple to interpret and indicates blood residue down to 0.1μg. Significant traces of blood indicate an inadequately reprocessed instrument, a rich source for cross contamination. Using cleaning verification products will help identify potentially hidden dangers.
Matthew Smith
Senior Manager of Marketing