Healthmarket Digest
September 2010
Planning for a Trip
In This Issue
Planning for a Trip
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Tip of the Week
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Planning for a Trip
     Big trips can lead to big anxiety. It is funny how an event can sit on your calendar for months. It seems so far off in the future, that even small steps of preparation seem silly. And then one day you wake up and realize: I leave in a couple of days! Preparation is the key. If you do the little things that seem silly in the weeks before the trip, then the momentary panic of the impending date can subside into calm confidence. Of course, if the preparation has not been done, panic must be replaced with a cold hard focus on the tasks at hand. I think most of us would prefer the former. And so it is with much of life. Planning, preparation, focus usually leads to positive outcomes. Last minute scrambling is often not quite as successful.
Well I am off on a big trip. How did I do between the two alternatives listed above? I have a foot planted firmly in both camps! Bon Voyage!

Ralph J. Basile
Vice President - Marketing
Healthmark Industries Company, Inc.
News Headlines

The Joint Commission Launches Targeted Solutions Tool...

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Tip of the Week

Being comfortable on a long flight is a key to arriving refreshed and ready. Of course, early booking, selecting your seat early (Emergency Row available?!) and checking back with your airline's web site to make sure nothing has changed or to check if something better has opened up (Emergency Row available?!). There are many travel tools available on the web. Here's one that can help you select the right seat if you are on a new aircraft or with a carrier you are not familiar with:

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Thank you very much for reading our 68th edition of Healthmarket Digest. We are very excited to have you as a member of our online community.
Alex Kirk
Healthmark Industries Company, Inc. 
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