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Getting Ready for Fall and Winter |
We had a few stories this week concerning cleaning our
summer equipment and putting it away for the fall and winter. These stories reminded me of when I worked in CSSD. One of the tasks we called "weekend work" was cleaning the shelves and rotating
the stock each quarter. We tried to do this these tasks each fall, winter,
spring and summer. If I remember correctly, these were tasks not many of my
employees enjoyed doing. Once, my staff found a tray from a physician who had
left a few years earlier and I wondered how we missed taking his tray out of
service. What also amazed me was the "dust bunnies" we would find
on the floor underneath each shelf. Our area was "cleaned" each shift, but, those
"dust bunnies' had a way of multiplying. We eventually solved the "dust bunnies" issue by adopting a check
sheet that housekeeping would sign off on each time they cleaned the area. Also, we ended up purchasing and using solid shelves where necessary. We found that the various
standards and guidelines supported having a solid shelf on the bottom level and it
made buying these products easy. As we get ready at home for fall and winter and start to
put our summer items away, it might be a good time to look at your department
and see if you have any "dust bunnies" to round up.
Stephen Kovach
Director of Education
Healthmark Industries Company, Inc. |
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Tip of the Week |
AAMI ST 79 section 8.9.2 states "... For sterile and clean
supplies stored on the bottom shelf of an open-shelf (wire) cart, there should
be a physical barrier between the shelf and traffic or housekeeping activities..."
Thank You for Your Continued Interest! |
Thank you very much for reading our 69th edition of Healthmarket Digest. We are very excited to have you as a member of our online community.
Alex Kirk Healthmark Industries Company, Inc.
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