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Back to Basics
Today's healthcare professional has a lot on their plate
when it comes to remembering cleaning and sterilization information. So many
new products are introduced each day and they all seem to have complex cleaning
and sterilization instructions. This month, in the CS Solutions section of HPN's October 2010 issue, a very simple question was asked and then answered: "Should a stylet be left in suction when
being sterilized?". The link was posted on our Monday update. The answer is no, it must be out of the suction to make
sure steam, which is the sterilant, comes
in contact with the inside of the lumen. The article made me think, with all the highly
technical equipment, we must never forget the basic stuff; like making sure a stylet
is not in suction when it is sterilized.
Stephen Kovach
Director of Education
Healthmark Industries Company, Inc. |
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Tip of the Week
Cleaning lumen items ANSI/ AAMI
ST 79 - Section3.3.7.1 states "...
The sink should be constructed with three sections - for soaking,
washing, and rinsing - and it should have water ports to facilitate the
flushing of instruments with lumens... Forced air should be provided at the sink,
as well as faucets or manifold systems for flushing lumened devices..."
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Thank you very much for reading our 70th edition of Healthmarket Digest. We are very excited to have you as a member of our online community.
Alex Kirk Healthmark Industries Company, Inc.
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