Today is the 4th of July! This time of year offers unlimited options
of outdoor activities and also rising temperatures. Whether you are golfing, boating, biking or barbequing in your backyard, remember to stay hydrated and safe from heat exposure. Frequently drinking water and getting some relief from the sun and heat will
help reduce the chance of damaging effects from overly hot weather.
Options of staying cool in the SPD can be limited when you are wearing
PPE. Cool Aids were designed with this purpose in mind. These lightweight, latex-free cooling devices keep you comfortable. Simply submerge the head gear or neck band in cold water for two to three minutes, and then enjoy hours of cooler temperatures. For
additional heat relief, pair in one of the Cool Aids vests, which utilize cold packs for core body cooling.
Have a happy and safe 4th of July!
Matt Smith
Senior Manager of Marketing