Tomorrow will mark the 4th annual celebration of Sterile Packaging
Day! The Sterilization Packaging Manufacturers Council (SPMC) has begun this annual event to recognize and thank all partners who work together to deliver innovative, safe, and sterilized devices and supplies to healthcare experts who provide excellence in
patient care. The event builds on three pillars: Patient Safety, Peace of Mind, and Supply Chain Strength.
The Sterilization Packaging Manufacturers Council (SPMC) is eagerly
preparing for Sterile Packaging Day 2024, which will be celebrated at the Medical Design & Manufacturing West (MD&M West) conference on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. This year's event theme of "Opening Possibilities" salutes the nurses and clinicians who work
tirelessly to promote health, prevent disease, and help patients with illnesses.
On behalf of Healthmark, thank you to all the Healthcare professionals
for the work you do to put patient safety first! Have a happy Sterile Packaging Day!
Matt Smith
Senior Manager of Marketing