Healthmarket Digest
November 2010
Harmonize Time!
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Harmonize Time!
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Tip of the Week
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Harmonize Time!

I try to describe AAMI Meetings to people. Let's face it, any of us who have been working long enough have been through plenty of meetings and can well imagine what it is like to sit in a room with 30 or more people for 4 - 8 hours in an effort to come to agreement on a standards document. Sometimes things go really smoothly and there is broad consensus. But that is the exception, not the rule. AAMI brings together a diverse group of people: healthcare practitioners (typically representing Sterile Processing, Surgery and Infection Control, etc.); medical device manufacturers of a great assortment of products (implants, diagnostic equipment, reprocessing equipment, testing products, etc.); testing laboratories, international members (Canada and Europe in particular are well represented); regulatory agencies (including the FDA) and finally trade associations such as AORN, IAHCSMM, APIC, ADA, etc.

All of us members of the Sterilization Standards Committee of AAMI are focused and dedicated to the proper and improving practice of medical device sterilization. But, of course, the devil is in the details. Very dedicated, serious people can, and do disagree. Sometimes strenuously. Meetings can get contentious. It is important always to remind oneself that while you may not agree with everyone in the room you ultimately share the same goal. Of course, the best medicine often for passionate disagreement is to share a laugh.  And in one of last week's meeting, that was provided by the "Harmonizers." Pictured here are Sue Klacik, Rose Seavey and Martha Young. Discussions were heating up, and then these three broke the group up with laughter, by humming in harmony to "demonstrate" a point about harmonizing AAMI standards. 


The meeting continued, and certainly there were still disagreements, but humming harmony reminded the group that we were working together for the improvement in the delivery of healthcare. I can still hear the humming in my head!


Ralph J. Basile

Vice President - Marketing

Healthmark Industries Company, Inc.

News Headlines

Free Toolkit Available for ASCs Reprocessing Single-use Devices...

Cleaning Cannulated Devices...

Toronto Hospital Bans Wait Room Magazines...

Defining Success...


2010 ESP Winner: A User's Perspective...


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Tip of the Week

I can't carry a tune to save my live. But is there anything more awe inspiring in music than a beautiful harmony among singers? The skill and coordination of a great performance belies the amount of practice that must go into the final product.

When I think "harmony" for some reason I think of barbershop quartets. I guess because singing in harmony is very much at the center of such a performance. So in the interest of good harmony, here is a link to the Barbershop Harmony Society:

Oh, and if you would like to learn more about AAMI, please go here:

Thank You for Your Continued Interest!
Thank you very much for reading our 78th edition of Healthmarket Digest. We are very excited to have you as a member of our online community.


Alex Kirk
Healthmark Industries Company, Inc. 
Questions or comments?
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AAMI meetings mean lot's of documents. One way to keep harmonious organization with a pile of paper is with the use of Removable Page Markers from Healthmark. These are color-coded, with a clean peel adhesive that won't leave a mark when removed, and a writable surface, so you can make notes. For more information,  fill out the form.