If you are like me, taking surveys lately has been tough. I get phone calls and emails to participate in everything from who I am voting for to the design of the can of my "favorite beverage". It can be overwhelming at times. So asking you to participate in a survey takes a lot of guts on my part, but I feel this is one we all should look at and try to be a part of.
Last Thursday we posted a link to a survey being conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The survey is called the NIOSH Health and Safety Practices Survey of Healthcare Workers. Your responses to all questions will be kept secure, no personal identifiers will be recorded and this is voluntary on your part. I know groups like SGNA are asking their members to participate. It takes about 30 minutes, but I hope you will click on the link and take the time to fill out this important survey. Your answers can help make all work places better. If you are a CSSD person, use the code IAHC (just 4 letters) to start the survey; if you are in Endoscopy, use SGNA (to enter the codes). If you do not know what code to use, just call this number and they will help you (Help desk 1-888-219-5667).
Many times when I speak I hear people saying "nobody listens to me", well here is a chance for you to speak out and make a difference about safety in general in the work place. Now is the time to "Let your voices be heard".
Take care and remember to
"Always Keep it Clean"
Stephen Kovach
Director of Education
Healthmark Industries Company, Inc.