Healthmarket Digest
March 2011
In This Issue
News Headlines
Tip of the Week
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The other day my youngest son, Peter, and I were having a steak dinner and he used a steak sauce labeled "A-1". That got us thinking, "What does 'A-1' mean?" After some research we found out that it is a term used by Lloyd's of London to rate ships and their cargo. Ships were graded by letter and cargo by number. "A" meant the ship itself was perfect and "1" meant the cargo was in perfect condition. Thus, the term A-1 signifies being the best.  


We all strive in our life to be "A-1" and at times it is difficult, but we all try. One way we try to achieve and maintain the "A-1" status is by keeping up on the latest trends. March is here and for many people this is the time to attend the national AORN Congress meeting. It is held annually each year in the month of March. This year it will be held in Philadelphia, PA from March 19-24, 2011. This annual meeting is a great opportunity to network, learn new skills, see new products and, yes, to help you maintain your strive for that "A-1" status.

We at Healthmark want to invite everybody to come to our booth and see what is new and exciting. We can help you maintain your "A-1" status.


If you're going to the 58th Annual AORN Congress, stop by our booth #3501. Say "Hi" and see what we have new to help you stay "A-1" in your field.


Take care and remember to

"Always Keep it Clean"


Stephen Kovach 

Director of Education 

Healthmark Industries Company, Inc.


News Headlines


Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Tops AOHP's List of HCW Concerns: On behalf of healthcare professionals nationwide...

Up to 70 Percent of HAIs Can Be Prevented, Expert Says: Up to 70 percent of certain cases of healthcare-acquired...

Basics of Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization of Instruments...

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Tip of the Week

58th AORN Congress


Thank You for Your Continued Interest!
Thank you very much for reading our 91st edition of Healthmarket Digest. We are very excited to have you as a member of our online community.


Alex Kirk
Healthmark Industries Company, Inc. 
Questions or comments?
or call (586) 774-7600
toll free: 800-521-6224

HangTimeKit Label


Just like the labeling of ships, Healthmark offers a way to label your scopes with our HangTImeKit Label. By using these labels, you will know when scopes were reprocessed. Sign up to receive free samples.