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Water, Water Everywhere...
...but not a Drop that's Safe
Two thirds of our planet is covered in water. Water vapor is a dominate gas in the atmosphere. Cities and towns historically have grown up around water - rivers, lakes and seas. The human body even, is made up of 50-70% water! Except for air, nothing is more critical to life than water.
So when problems with water arise, it is a serious issue. This past week's headline about water system issues at hospitals, hotels and commercial buildings is a reminder.
Water is critical to cleaning too. Water that is not of sufficient quality can compromise effective cleaning, or worse yet, leave instruments more contaminated than when the cleaning process started. AAMI is about to review the "Water Quality" document, that was first published in 2007. Setting standards for what is acceptable water for cleaning, rinsing and final use is key to delivering safe instruments for patient care. As always, AAMI will seek to employ the latest knowledge to recommend the best practices by health care facilities.
Ralph J. Basile
Vice President - Marketing
Healthmark Industries Company, Inc.
News Headlines |
Safety Check List in the News Again... READ FULL STORY...
Colonoscopy For DummiesŪ is now available... READ FULL STORY...
Risk Factors, Assessment Play Into Orthopedic SSI Prevention: Now that surgical site infections (SSIs) are being... READ FULL STORY...
Joint Commission Update on Preventive Maintenance Strategies... READ FULL STORY...
FDA reminds health care professionals about safe use of non-sterile alcohol prep pads... READ FULL STORY...
Contaminated Water Systems Pose Serious Threat: Water in hospitals, hotels, commercial office buildings, and lon... READ FULL STORY...
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Tip of the Week |
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the governmental body most directly responsible for monitoring and reporting on water quality.
Visit for more information.
Thank You for Your Continued Interest! |
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Alex Kirk Healthmark Industries Company, Inc. Questions or comments? or call (586) 774-7600 toll free: 800-521-6224